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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a7a6786b829a64522b401fea7f503a8a SUMMARY:Sea kayak paddle DTSTAMP:20230215T070000Z DTSTART:20230215T070000Z DTEND:20230215T090000Z DESCRIPTION:Learn to paddle a single sea kayak\, starting in flat water to move to overnight open ocean expedition style trips. \nWe will learn to paddle\, manoeuver\, capsize\, wet exit\, rescue\, self-rescue and more. We start with easier enviroment and will move eventually to open ocean. For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/878 LOCATION:Hen and Chicken Bay\, Wareemba\, Wymston Parade and Reginald st Wareemba (Boat ramp) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR