This is an assessment activity for those wishing to attain Basic Water Rescues and also an option to cover the requirements for Snorkel
Basic Water Rescues is a mandatory requirement for leaders wishing to take their youth members swimming at unpatrolled flatwater environments and to meet requirements for other aqautic qualifications such as Trained Participant Snorkelling, Assistant Guide Canyoning/Canoeing/Kayaking
The Snorkel unit is a requirement for leaders wiehing to take youth member on snorkellung activities.
and for youth members to complete inwater components of the OAS Lifesaving Stages.
Both the Basic Water Rescues and Snorkel units can be used as evideence towards a unit of competency completing units towards a Cert II in Outdoor Recreation / Cert III in Outdoor Leadership.
Please do note that to complete the requirements for the snorkel unit, there is a requirement to undertale 3 snorkelling activities. This may be able to be counted for one of these. If you have undertaken sniorkelling, please bring your log of snorkel activities. Otherwise you will need to complete 2 more activities before being awarded the unit
Please bring swimming attire, 2 towels and drinks/snacks
For those undertaking the snorkelling, please bring mask, fins and a snorkel