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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:18d45da2421c54f04563a6111b0e6071 SUMMARY:JOTA/JOTI 2021 GWS Region DTSTAMP:20211015T220000Z DTSTART:20211015T220000Z DTEND:20211017T070000Z DESCRIPTION:JOTA/JOTI this year will be mostly a virtual event where Scouts will join in for some activities over Zoom as well as linking in amateur radio operators for Battleship games\, Scouting at Home challenges\, pre-recorded and live stream video presentations\, JOTI activities\, international live stream and finishing off with a virtual Camp Fire. \nWe are combining some of our activities with other Scouts in the Sydney from South Metropolitan and Hume Regions. The Additional Information has more details of the activities planned. Their success depends upon the number of Scouts and leaders who are available to participate. We must have adequate numbers of leaders to fulfil our duty of care and help run/supervise activities. \nScouts only need to participate in at least one activity to qualify for the JOTA/JOTI badge. It is important to register so we know which group you are from so we can advise your leaders that you have qualified for the badge which they can purchase for a small cost ($2.00). Scouts also need to register at https://jotajoti.info. You will need to register as an individual. This register will allow you to participate in the broader international activities as well. For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/481 LOCATION:Virtual - Teams online END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR