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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:74179a1dfc493cb8ba83f613a87f4333 SUMMARY:OAS Bushwalking Workshop Orange DTSTAMP:20210407T070000Z DTSTART:20210407T070000Z DTEND:20210411T230000Z DESCRIPTION:Scouts\, Venturers and Rovers with some previous bushwalking experience working towards stages of the OAS. Comfortable with pack under load and capable of a 20 km day. Patrol based\, remote adult support. For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/347 LOCATION:Orange Station\, Peisley St\, Orange END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR