Registrations for this event have been temporarily suspended by the event coordinator. Please check back soon.
This is a training program to give participants the soft skills in order to be assessed for the qualification of Adventerous Activity Guide.
Similar courses from other RTOs can cost as much as $11000. This is a great opportunity to gain industry recognisable qualifications.
Prerequisites are
The program
Will be self paced learning with weekly evening check ins via microsoft teams. Sessions for weeks 2,3 and 4 should be about 30 min each.
The face to face session
Will be at Heathcote Scout Camp. This will entail some hands on instruction and demonstration of presenting skills.
There will be a requirement to submit a quantity of documentation through Google classrooms.
The classroom has relevant presentations, material and a facility to upload your assignments and documentation.
All the work in the Google classroom will need to be completed before attendance at the face to face session.
The final face to face session 4/6/2023 will be a mix of practical sessions giving you a chance to demonstrate your instruction skills and rounding the program off with a small (yes it will be small) workbook..
This log book template is preferred by NSW state assessors
Once you have submitted your registration, an invoice (summary sheet) will be generated with instructions on how to pay for this event. The following payment options will be available to you:
Credit/Debit Card