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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5c82ac1edd3cc93a87d53b43514373d5 SUMMARY:North Coast Regional Youth Council DTSTAMP:20231110T220000Z DTSTART:20231110T220000Z DTEND:20231112T040000Z DESCRIPTION:This camp is just for those who are Region Youth Council Delegates for their group. If you are not sure\, check with your Group Leader! \nThis weekend is for our RYC Delegates to have their input on the scouting experiences for our region for the following year. As an RYC Delegate\, you will have a direct link to region leaders to let them know what the youth want to have happen in our region. \nFrom this RYC Delegates will get to make friends from across the sections and different groups\, Improve their leadership skills and also have fun while doing it. \nPlease come to this camp prepared with ideas of what events youth members from your group would like to see run for the next year. Think about what you have enjoyed and what new ideas you may have. There will be an email from Spud before the camp with some guidance on this. \nThe cost is $20 and camp will run from 9am Saturday until 3pm on Sunday. This is a fully catered camp.\nPlease bring your camping equipment\, Uniform\, swimmers\, towel\, and Mess kit. If you need help with tents\, please reach out. \nCamp will be hosted by a team of leaders (who have already been working hard to make this a great weekend)\, so no other leaders will be required to attend. \nWe look forward to seeing you all there!! For more info\, go to: https://events.nsw.scouts.com.au/event/1163 LOCATION:Camp Eagle Eye\, 2080 Orara Way\, Glenreagh NSW END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR